Greetings from Denmark! I am presently typing on a Danish keyboard with Danish spell check, so six words in this blog so far are spelled wrong apparently. 11 now. Twelve. Thirteen! This could go on forever... Hahah! And check out what I can do by just pressing a button! æ ø ü ë ¤! Sweet, right? (I just had to search the keyboard to find the question mark.)
Here, I'll take a photo of the keyboard to show you!
I titled this blog "7 in 1" because I have 7+ blog entries I have wanted to write but have not found the time for. So, rather than do 7 different entries, I made the executive decision to write them all in one. I hope you enjoy!
A God's Eye View
I really enjoy flying because when I look out the window, I get a glimpse of what God sees. I see all the fields and the houses and the cities. I see the clouds and the cloud horizon line. I see the sun rise and set, and the moon out there. Quick sidenote: we were over the Atlantic ocean in the middle of the night, the most deserted and dark place to be, and I looked outside and saw the moon directly out my window. It followed us until the sun rose. I thought that was amazing.
...something white and fuzzy just walked by outside...what in the world?? Anyway, sorry. Distractions.
Back to what I was saying, I look out the airplane window and I feel like I can see life. I can see everything from a totally different perspective. Even flying into Detroit gives me a new perspective on my own life and how it compares to the lives of others elsewhere.
Brandon Heath must have felt the same way when he wrote the song "Give Me Your Eyes," (at least I assume he wrote it...) because it begins by talking about looking out the airplane window and then the rest of the song is about seeing through God's eyes. If you don't know this amazing song, I recommend looking it up! One of my favorites...and one of the 4 I can play on guitar!
Love at First Flyover
This is kind of awkward, because this title actually refers to the Netherlands. When we were nearing Amsterdam, the pilot informed us that the runway was busy and we had to do some circles, so I got to see a lot! The first thing I saw was a giant wind farm with 43 windmills. I thought it was super cool...and then I saw the ship right next to it. Apparently, some people were so against the windfarm messing up their good views that they decided on a compromise to put the windmills in the ocean. What even!
The fields were all in super interesting shapes, and the cows had an abundance of space to roam in! There was a train and oh so many bicyclists! I have never seen bicyclists biking on a bike path on the side of the highway next to an airport in the USA.
I can't even explain all that I saw, but I found everything unique and in a way that was incredible. Definitely on my list to return to.
I unfortunately didn't have time to explore any further, as my first flight was 30 minutes delayed, so upon exiting my plane I had 25 minutes to get through customs and to the opposite side of the airport in time to board my next flight. And despite all the broken escalators up which I had to carry my freakishly heavy carry-on suitcase, I MADE IT!!
The USA Outside USA Borders
I continue to be impressed by how much things inside the USA are known outside the USA. In Mexico, there were so many things around that I had thought were distinct to the USA, I can't even remember all of them. Here, the amazement continued. A Dutch guy, about my age, sat next to me on the flight from Holland to Denmark. At one point, he quoted Eddie Murphy and proceeded to explain the entire plot of the movie to me. He next brought up Conan O'Brien and said he watches it everyday. What!?? I had no idea anyone outside the USA watched those things.
By the way, this guy was fluent in English and heading to Denmark to visit his girlfriend. I asked two questions: How did you learn English, and how did you meet your girlfriend if she lives in a totally different country?? The answer to both was video games. Kind of cool how video games are connecting our world.
When I arrived in Denmark, I was informed that the majority of the movies they watch are from the USA with Danish subtitles. I never thought about movies in other languages! I never realized how narcissistic I was until I began to travel and see that everything I thought was distinctly American is indeed not.
Not Spanish
I never thought coming to Denmark would improve my Spanish, but I guess life is full of surprises. The grandson of my host family, Bertil, is three. He knows zero English. I know approximately 5 words of Danish. For some reason, I have it in my head that anyone who doesn't speak English must speak Spanish, so I kept talking to him in Spanish accidentally.
Even the Toilets are Cool
They really are. They've got this button on the wall where you can choose how big the thing you just deposited in it was, and it will use the appropriate amount of water for the job. The water shoots from the sides in a big spiral so quickly!! I'm totally going to take a video one day. It's THAT cool.
The showers are cool as well, so cool in fact that I had no idea how to use it. It was getting dark and I couldn't read what the labels said, so I decided to turn on the light ...I couldn't figure out how to work the lights either.
Most Epic Playground...Since Ever
IT WAS AMAZING!!!! There were these giant tubes all over that I only got stuck in a little... and there were awesomely creative swings, a mini rock wall, and thsee little pathways that would be perfect for the ultimate round of fox and goose!! ...I may have gotten lost in the pathways...
I have to admit, this spell check thing is really making me question some of my spellings!
I somehow managed to accidentally delete this post before, only saving part of it. So it has been changed, involuntarily. Very sorry...