Sunday, April 19, 2015

Top 10 Worst Places to Feel Light-Headed (or Shaky, or to Have to Go to the Bathroom Very Badly)

This blog entry is a rip off, because I don't actually have a list of the top 10 worst places to feel light-headed, shaky, or to have the urge to use the bathroom. However, if such a list ever did exist, I have found a place that would most likely be on it. It's called the Cathedral Rock Trail in Sedona, which I braved with my aunt on Thursday (April 9th).

One of my aunts who was not on this trip but who was recently in Sedona called this particular hike "moderate." I call it "life-threatening." It was basically a climb up a series of short cliffs, followed by a ledge, then another short cliff. The views were gorgeous, but when I was climbing the mini cliffs, my mind was on everything except that.

I arrived at the top light-headed, shaky, and completely exhausted. I also had to use the restroom, but there's not exactly anywhere to hide on a trail of open rock. I befriended the "End of Trail" sign and held onto it for dear life (there was a cliff just beyond it).

I was desperately searching for a more gently sloping trail to take back down, but no such luck. I basically treated the entire thing as a giant slide on the way down, scooting everywhere on my butt (it was actually quite fun!)

I admit, I am making this sound a lot worse than it actually was. I must have a slight fear of heights, though I'm not willing to admit it, because every time I climb a rock wall I become extremely shaky and my palms sweat (which is basically the worst thing that can happen when climbing a rock wall). I thought this hike was terrifying, but there was a family that brought their young children up with them, and another guy who was jogging the trail. I cannot fathom either of those, but if people can jog a trail that I just described as a series of cliffs, it must not be as bad as I described.

It was definitely beautiful though! That is something I cannot deny.

P.S. Can you find me in the bottom photo? I became a daredevil for 20 seconds.

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