Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Cultural Differences

Life and culture in general are very similar between Denmark and the States. BUT, there are some very notable differences:
  • Rings - I wear a ring on my right ring finger, simply because that's the only finger it fits on. Here in Denmark, a ring on the left ring finger means engaged, and on the right it means married. So I guess everyone who looks at me thinks I'm married...
  • Cars - The majority of the cars on the road are station wagons. I find this kind of ironic, since I've often heard people get made fun of for having a station wagon in the States. I was told they are popular because cars are more expensive here but people still need lots of space, so the station wagon is a happy medium between space and decent pricing.
  • Architecture - The architecture in general is amazing and very advanced here, but the roofs are the most different. Often, I could fool myself into thinking I'm in the USA still...but then I look at the roofs and realize I'm very much in Denmark.

  • Meals - I've noticed the most drastic cultural differences at the dinner table. Meals are very slow, and when they are done everyone sits there for a very long time, even if not much can be found to talk about. I've been told that the average dinner at a restaurant is about 4 hours long! There are also differences in table manners. Everyone eats with their knife in one hand and fork in the other (there is no cutting eveything ahead of time and then setting the knife down). Napkins remain on the table except at a restaurant.
  • Water - It costs money in restaurants. Only about 5 kroner, which is less than $1 USD, but still. And refills are not free.
  • Time - Speaking of meals being slow, everything is actually rather slow! Not in a bad way, the Danes just like to take their time and avoid rushing, yet they are still prompt. One day we were going to be leaving the house at 11, so they said breakfast would be at 9. And they all get dressed and everything ahead of time. What!?? I would have called for breakfast at 10:45 ...and gotten out of my pajamas after.
  • Toilet Paper - I mentioned in my last blog that the toilets are cool... did I mention that the toilet paper is cool too? Each square is 150% bigger than a square in the USA (yes, I did the math), and the roll is flushable!
  • Bicycles - They're EVERYWHERE! Everyone watches out for them on the roads, there are bike lanes on almost every road, and there are so many bike trails I legitimately got lost on them!
  • Random Trees - I keep being surprised by the random trees in the middle of the road. The cars have to go around them. They are either in the middle of the road for decoration, or on the sides bringing the road down to one lane and forcing the cars to slow down and be cautious of pedestrians and bicyclists.

  • Traffic Circles - There are far more traffic circles here than intersections that look like this +. This was the most obvious difference that I could see flying in. Some of the traffic circles have 6 or more roads attached to them! And there is always something interesting in the middle of the circle.
  • Stoplights - On the rare occasions when there is not a traffic circle, there is a stoplight. I have not seen a single stop sign. The stoplights flash yellow and red before turning green!
  • Greetings - When walking down the street, people who pass each other do not acknowledge each other at all! Apparently, if a person says hi to someone they don't know on the street, they will seem creepy or weird. I'm going to seem super creepy and weird, because I can't seem to break myself of the habit!
  • Hanging Out - I basically ask everyone I meet where they have traveled to and how they liked it. I was asking about the UK, and someone said they thought relationships weren't as personal there because no one ever invited friends to their house, they always go to a restaurant or something to meet friends. I said it is largely the same in the USA, because inviting people over involves cleaning the house, and it is far easier to just go out than it is to clean the house! They all laughed, but I don't think they had ever thought of that! Every house I've encountered here is spotless, so that's not an issue for them.

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